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  • Tags: freedom
We support the 2nd Amendment! Join us, if seIf-defense is your priority! Black
Guns Matter
You have a right to have a gun and you can use it to protect your family and
your country.

If someone wants to take your gun away from you, this person wants to take
your freedom and to take your life after.

So, don’t let anyone take your…
It's time to wake up and break our Chains! Together we will find our way to
We are African Americans and we support the 2nd Amendment! Join us, if
seIf-defense is your priority!
The government asks us to put a uniform and far away from our homes to
drop bombs on innocent people in Syria, while we are treated in America like
animals and denied simple human rights, freedom, equality and justice.
Our politicians should never forget that. We’ve been watching our military
commandership wasting lives of American soldiers for too long, let’s hope it
will end now when Trump is in Charge.

A new Marine Corps artillery unit was sent to assist Syrian…
Say no to genocide in america. Join our protest that will be held in front of the
Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City on February 17, 18, 19.
The race is not to the swift, nor does the battle to the strong, but time and
They came for the Children, but I had no small Children so I didn't stand up.
They came for the ranchers, but I'm not a rancher so I didn't stand up. They
came for the guns, but I don't have any guns so I didn't stand up. They came
after the people…
It’s time to wake up and break our Chains! Together we will find our way to