They came for the Children, but I had no…

Dublin Core


They came for the Children, but I had no…


They came for the Children, but I had no small Children so I didn't stand up.
They came for the ranchers, but I'm not a rancher so I didn't stand up. They
came for the guns, but I don't have any guns so I didn't stand up. They came
after the people who speak out against to tyranny, but I don't speak out so I
didn't stand up. They came after me, and there was no one left to stand up.
My friends, if you have never stood for anything now is the time. Look around
you, how much freedom do you have? What we have now is NOT what our
forefathers wanted for us.

(The text by John McClain)

Join the secession rally and help Republic of Texas to raise from the ashes!



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