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  • Tags: security
Last month, Edward M. Nero, the second to be tried in Freddie Gray’s case
among the six of Demand Justice For Freddie Gray
One year ago nine people were killed by a gunman, including the senior
pastor, state senat Remember Victims of Charleston Shooting
We have many problems in our country at the moment. Healthcare, education
and Veterans are just on the top of the list. But one problem is destroying our
country more than anything else. Illegal aliens affect our economy drastically.
Not only they…
Today is a good day to honor our Navy forces. 72 years ago our ships took
part in operation “overlord”, landing our forces in Europe. We can’t say we
have brilliant commandership now, but our soldiers are as brave as our
grandfathers were.

All people have to understand that the police service is exactly like a secret
gay Club, the reason being that no one knows what goes on inside there even
if it’s evident. There’s a kind of code of silence, even if you saw something or
just know…
6 months into legal open carry in Texas: no problems reported. Democrats,
gunsense zealots, moms, students, professors and store owners told us that
open carry WOULD be a problem, but as it turned out, there wasn't any.

Yes, people are scared of…
Alton Sterling, an innocent 37-year-old Black male, was outrageously
executed by two Baton Justice For Alton Sterling
White media used to tell what is important for whites and cover facts
important for Blacks.
Almost 2 years have passed since the death of Eric Garner, a father of 6, who
was violentl Rally In Memory Of Eric Garner