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Fast-growing black community. Latest news and everyday updates!
The safety, freedom, and dignity of all people must be safeguarded. Terrorism
and anti-Mus Safe Space for Muslim Neighborhood
Korryn Gaines is being betrayed by the system that was designed to oppress
and humiliate black people.
Ohh..say no more! Fort Campbell says about 400 soldiers with the 101st
Airborne Division are deploying to Iraq this summer. And the soldiers from the

2nd Brigade Combat Team will deploy as part of an increase in authorized
troop levels in…
The safety, freedom, and dignity of all people must be safeguarded. Terrorism
and anti-Mus Safe Space for Muslim Neighborhood
More than 2,000 illegal aliens commit sex assaults every year in Texas alone.
Americans would really feel safer, if the government Closes the borders and
deports all illegal aliens.
America's slowly but surely shifting towards turning into islamic state. Our
president and our government are pro—islamic and don't want America to
believe in our one and only Lord Jesus Christ. Texas will never keep step with

Texas stays…
Our mission is to tell the bold truth about racism, inequality and injustice the...
We call for disqualification and removal of Hillary Clinton from the presidential
ballot as dynastic succession of the Clinton family in American politics
breaches the core democratic principles laid out by our Founding Fathers.
Sign the petition! We…
He better find the patient