Hey There

Hey guys, my name is Sara. Even though I am in the DCC program I do not live with everyone in Queen Ann’s. I live with FLEXUS, another living and learning program for woman in engineering.

I am a Fire Protection Engineering major. People always ask me how I came to choose this major since it is so small and relatively unknown. When I was younger I liked to mess around with fire. When I first leaned that there was a whole field of engineering dedicated to fire safety I became very intrigued. UMD has been a great place to fuel my interest in this major.

Outside of school I always enjoy a good day at the beach, especially when the sun is really hot. I also like roller-coasters and roaming around DC with friends. My absolute favorite food is Watermelon. Oh, and I love my family! :)

Because I really love watermelon, I will make my avatar a picture of one.

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