Personal intro

Hey my name is Megan and I’m an Architecture major, which makes me awesome! I didn’t really have any desire to be an architect until senior year of high school so there’s no exciting life-long dream story there. I live in Queen Anne’s with a majority of the DCC kids and I never want to leave!

I’m in this class because I think creating houses/buildings/stuff is kind of like telling a story. You start with a basic idea, add and remove details, and play with the aesthetics until you create a unique and memorable experience. I believe that all art and creative works tell stories and each “author” has a unique way of getting his story out into the world. I am excited to learn new ways to share these ideas through digital technologies!

I chose the Lorax as my avatar because I see myself as a kind of Lorax, and not just in terms of environmental consciousness. When I feel strongly about an issue, I feel that it is my duty to speak up about it and give a voice to those who have none. When I believe in something, I give it my all to educate those around me (as some people have seen on Facebook). I hope that this class will help me to express my beliefs in new and creative ways.

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