
This is a memory.

The puppy became our new best friend. He’d run and we’d run. He’d get this fire in his eyes and sprint off in spirals and circles and make us dizzy. He was fierce. He was wild. He was loving. We watched “Marley and Me” and he barked his head off at Marley and Owen Wilson. He chewed my favorite hat. He changed us – my sister talked more, my dad talked more, my mom reveled in comfort. He was our missing piece. Our puppy.

And as I go on into the future as a journalism and government major at Maryland, this memory – stories – sticks with me. My puppy as my avatar tells me to remember my past and my heritage, my present with two homes in College Park and Mason, OH, and my future. Wherever that might be. But for now, I’m just me. I love writing, the news, reading, newspapers and news organizations, food, the Beatles and going new places.

I can bring solid InDesign knowledge and basic Photoshop and Illustrator skills to the class. I also know WordPress pretty well and enjoy taking photos – some of which turn out satisfactorily.

I’m excited to learn more ways to think about writing news in this class – I want to be a political reporter when I grow up – but also to explore that persuasive and fiction side of me that gets locked up behind all the journalism sometimes.

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About Beena

Journalism and government & politics major at the University of Maryland. Member of Digital Cultures and Creativity honors program. Staff writer at UMD's student newspaper The Diamondback.

One thought on “Memories

  1. Beena, where in Mason did you grow up? (I’m originally from Dayton/Beavercreek) and spent a huge amount of time in Mason… King’s Island and the Beach


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