Ed Waddill

Hello !

I am Ed! I suppose I’m a goofy guy. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m funny or if people laugh at my attempt at comedy. Nevertheless, I enjoy doing musical production in my spare time and hanging out with my other musical friends.  One cool thing about doing music is that it allows me to meet a lot of other like minded individuals. Most of the musicians i meet are interested in other studies (such as business or even engineering) so being friendly and getting your name around is always a good thing. I grew up in the Prince George’s county area of Maryland so this entire region is home for me.

I often find myself getting into conversations about anything from my cooking skills (which are nonexistent, but I do have a vivid imagination for new creations) to why I think I’m funny. Apart from this comical side I keep hinting at, I am also a business major here at the university and I am interested in going into the music business (or any kind of business that allows me to do some kind of production/be creative). I think the two most important traits about myself have to do with my creativity and interest into new things. That is why I am so interested in this storytelling class. I am currently thinking of how it is going to compliment my passion for musical media.

Now for my avatar.

According to everyone I meet, I act like an old man. Fortunately and unfortunately, they are all correct. Whether it’s my early self-imposed bed time, my out of date phrases ( like “snazzy” ), or my cracking back, I always seem to fit the part. Therefore, my avatar will have to be one of the coolest old guys I can think of.


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