Heyas. I’m Caitlin, a 19-year-old comp sci major, born in Pasadena, Calif. I moved to Minnesota, which is where my parents were originally from and where my sister was born, when I was three. Then we moved to St. Louis, Missouri when I was five, and to Maryland when I was 8. I think that’s when I lost my ability to connect with people face-to-face. See, when we moved here, there weren’t any kids around my age and school wasn’t going to start for another 3 months, so I basically spent my days inside playing video games all by my lonesome. Not trying to score any pity points here, but since then I haven’t been able to make friends easily, and I have difficulty speaking aloud (meaning not only do I not know what to say a good portion of the time, but when I do have something to say, I think of two different ways to phrase it and begin with one way and end with another so the whole thing doesn’t make any sense. And I have now retyped that sentence about 5 different ways). But I’ve finally reached the point where I actually prefer being alone, because with people, you’ve got all that awkward stuff going on, like what do I say now? What should we do? OMG I just had food fall out of my mouth when I asked them how they’re doing….

Anyway, I prefer to eat alone, and I don’t really like conversation unless it’s about one of my obsessions (listed in no particular order): Doctor Who, dragons, Gymkana. But I /do/ really like to play games with other people, especially Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon (both the video games and TCG), and Banagrams. My avatar is from a game I used to play, called Neopets, which I bet a bunch of you used to play, too. It’s a zombie cybunny. I picked it because it’s weird, ugly, but kind of cute, too, which is how I see myself. It’s also my Facebook profile pic, because I don’t really use Facebook and wanted to be somewhat anonymous, even though I used my real name.

As for why I’m taking this course: I love stories and this was the only DCC course this semester that sounded even remotely interesting to me, need I say more? I really /do/ love stories, though, even though I’m not really good at telling them. I’m not very good at coming up with original ideas, either. But, I do know how to code in HTML, Java, and make cool 3D objects in Google Sketchup, if that helps my case at all.

And, like everyone else’s posts, this one is getting kind of long. So….

10 thoughts on “

  1. Hi
    I know EXACTLY what you mean about not being good in face-to-face conversations. It’s like, you want your sentence to sound just right so you think about it before you say it, and then either the conversation has moved on or you’re answering really late and it seems like you weren’t paying attention. I have no idea how people deal with it.
    And, oh my gosh, Doctor Who and dragons!

  2. o_O now I really /really/ want you to stay. Which DWs have you seen? I’m only familiar with the new series, but I’ve seen all of them from Chris Eccleston to the most recent Asylum of the Daleks that aired last Saturday.

  3. I only know the new series, too: most of Eccleston, all of seasons 2 and 3, not much of 4, and all of the Matt Smith episodes at least twice, except i don’t have cable so I haven’t been able to watch the new season (Grrrrr).
    Do you watch Sherlock?

  4. Yes! Maybe we can have a Sherlock/DW marathon sometime; I have the first episode of season 2 of Sherlock, and all the DW episodes except for 3 episodes in season 2 on my computer.

  5. Yeah!
    This is ridiculous but… where do you sit in class?
    After this long cyber-conversation i have no idea who you actually are. A bit like some sort of spy novel, “I’ll be the one with the trench coat and the yellow carnation” sort-of-thing.

  6. I’ve been wondering the same thing about you :P
    I’ve been sitting at the table closest to the garage door, furthest from the other door. I’m caucasian and have brown hair and glasses.

  7. Haha!
    Last week, I sat at the table closest to the normal door, the seat closest to the door, with my back to the wall. I am caucasian with red hair (dyed sort of blood-red-purple, now fading to brown.
    Why does our room have a garage door?

  8. Been wondering that myself :P
    I guess I’ll see you Thursday. I was going to bring a flash drive with some DW episodes on it, but I seem to have misplaced the drive. I’ll keep looking for it.

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