A greeting composed of absurdly long sentences.

My name is Kelsey and I’m a journalism major, potential french minor. I’m from Ardsley, PA, a town which is so small it is literally about 50% graveyard, it’s frequently grouped in with the larger town nearby, and its only claim to fame is that it’s the site of the “Historic Battle of Edge Hill,” which I had never even heard of until our town commissioner had the sign put up about 2 years ago. On the plus side, it’s about 15 minutes outside Philadelphia.

I like to make myself really busy, but when I do have free time I really like to read. I’ve spent the last 3 years of my life working on completing the BBC’s list of “100 books everyone must read,” because I was upset that when I initially checked the list I had only read about 6 of the books. I’m now through 36 of them (this includes several books that were over 1000 pages long, including the complete Les Miserables, Gone With The Wind, and an anthology of the Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy series.) But I’ll really read whatever looks interesting that I can get at the used bookstores by my house.

I’m also really into music. I attend as many concerts as I can, which really depends on how much money I have at any given time. I’m going to be an arts and entertainment writer for Diversions at the Diamondback in the fall – and it will most likely be me writing about some of my favorite bands.

I also tumble, (as in use the blogging site Tumblr, not fall down) very frequently. Like way too frequently…

Anyway. I chose my avatar because it captures a lot of things that you can’t actually deduce unless I told you about them:

1. I’m wearing my favorite sweater. Come late fall/winter, I’ll be wearing it at least once a week.

2. I’m in my dorm building, Queen Anne’s. Which goes along with the third thing I like in the picture…

3. The horse. When I arrived at school to live in the very same dorm last year, I was immediately welcomed into a fantastic group of friends who, for my birthday, which fell during the first week of my freshman year, bought me a ginormous stuffed horse (which they made out of stuffing an an old kid’s halloween costume because they couldn’t find a big enough stuffed animal) and left it hitched to the door of my dorm room waiting for me when I came home one night, all because I jokingly said I wanted a pony for my birthday.

4. The fact that this picture was taken after I fell on the ground laughing with my roommate because we were caught by a random parent who happened by our room while we were having a mock photo shoot with said horse. Embarrassing… but that’s why I love my friends. (In my defense I had just gotten a film camera for my birthday and wanted to use it.)

This blog post is way too long. I’m going to cut myself off before I end up with a novel.

One last thing… No matter how much technology I own, and no matter how much I learn in this class, I’m never buying an ereader!

Looking forward to an awesome semester!

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