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- Tags: patriotism
Confederacy secedes,more than a half of …
learn more! South United Yoyoyoyoyo
Tags: Confederacy, patriotism, Texas
What do you know about PTSD? There is no…
person's memory, emotional responses, intellectual processes and nervous
system. Nearly 31% of veterans fight this agony every day. Do you want to
learn more? Click here! Veterans…
Throughout the history of our nation, th…
soldiers have always carried the burden of death or injury while in battles.
Politicians continually act as if the soldiers are their pawns, and their soldier
pawns are expendable…
Tags: american.veterans, blue, freedom, health care, liberty, non-partisan, patriotism, photograph, red, Sadness, security, text, veterans, war, white
Why our government wastes $11 MLN per da…
Tags: Anger, blue, darkness and light, gov_spending, health care, Islamophobia, justice, liberty, nation, patriotism, red, Sadness, soldiers, Terrorism, text, veterans, war, white
And what would you Choose if u were a pr…
related jobs or to create 26700 jobs in education? Join us! Learn more! The
US Gov Spending Stats Instalol
Tags: Anger, blue, common folks, gov_spending, justice, liberty, nation, patriotism, red, soldiers, text, war, white, world of possibilities
Stop liberal ignorance! Don't tolerate t…
renaming our streets! Defend our confederate heritage! Join South United!
South United Yoyoyoyoyo
Tags: 2nd Amendment, Anger, blue, Confederacy, Confederate flag, cowboy, freedom, gun, nation, patriotism, photograph, REAL AMERICA, red, southern_rebel_pride, text, white
This military campaign is very ambiguous…
American lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. The goal was to "disrupt
the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations." Well, the
intervention deprived…
Tags: american.veterans, Anger, blue, foreign policy, freedom, liberty, patriotism, photograph, red, soldiers, veterans, war, white
America has always been hinged on hard-w…
you’ll remove our country from the world map. The state of Pennsylvania
rose owing to multiple enterprises mining coal, producing steel, and creating
the need for otherjobs,…
Tags: class, MAGA, nation, patriotism, Trump
see a danger to their lives every sing…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, gender, patriotism, racial identities, white
United We Stand! Welcome every patriot w…
Tags: bald eagle, Being Patriotic, blue, Joy, painting, patriotism, red, U.S. Flag, white