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  • Tags: freedom
The community of people who share True American values. Make the US
Eagle fly high again! Angry Eagle
Prior to cooking delicious five-star cuisine, celebrity chef Jeff Henderson
cooked something else entirely dangerous—cocaine. As a teenager,
Henderson manufactured and sold drugs in his native home in Los Angeles.
By 19, he was already earning US…
Our mission is to tell the bold truth about racism, inequality and injustice. Join
This group is basically to bring together all who have faced the wrath of prison
life. He“ And Back
Supporting and developing bIk-owned Businesses is the key to raising our
No justice, no peace!

These words must be remembered as long as we live in a racist police

We must never give up and keep on fighting for the freedom and justice.
We are black and we are proud to be black.

We are not going to…
No justice, no peace!

These words must be remembered as long as we live in a racist police

We must never give up and keep on fighting for the freedom and justice.
We are black and we are proud to be black.

We are not going to…
In the last four months, Maj Toure has raised online more than $20,000 for
Black Guns Matter.
A mission is to educate urban communities on their Second Amendment
rights as Citizens.
The weapon is the best guaranty of your freedom and safety.
Visit it…