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  • Tags: can't trust the Clintons
Clinton said the United States needs to confront the ‘systematic racism’ in its
law enforcement efforts. We’re sick of politicians organizing and leading the
systematical propaganda against our police. It is unfair and vilely to accuse

our heroes of…
Join our AmericaAgainstHillary flashmob! Make a sign with your state - make
Clinton see that we DON'T WANT her! Follow instotus for participation. This is

a community for everyone whose heart is with America. Don't be a stranger,
be a patriot!…
Hillary Clinton is a traitor! Hillary Clinton is a liar! Hillary Clinton is insane! I
know that many black people support this old dirty bitch. I don’t know why
they do this, still it’s their personal choice and we are a free country yet. But,
For the first time in American history, the leading candidate for the Democrat
party is running on a platform that would prohibit the private ownership [or
outright confiscation] of firearms. As a candidate, Hillary has already stated
that the 2nd…
Saudi prince urged Americans not to vote for Trump last week. How
wonderful, an Islamic dictator advises Americans how to run a Republic!
Saudi Arabia is considered the main weapon and recruit provider to Islamic
State terrorist…
Hillary Clinton has a 69 percent disapproval rate among all veterans. Indeed,
there are many reasons for it. First of all, Benghazi: four people died on her
watch and she did not send help. Secondly, Hillary refused to apologize to all
veterans, when…
Black Community! We finally made a website! News about black racial and
social issues. Get breaking news and analysis on the life of African American
community in the US. Black Matters Hillary Doesn’t Deserve Black Votes
Young black voters give up on…
Iraq, Syria, Libya — several years of fails in the Middle East diplomacy. May I

remind you Hillary had a long time to show her foreign policy skills — being a
Secretary of State she had quite enough of political powers.

How can anyone support her?…