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- Tags: Clinton
go on social media after taking a brea…
go on social media after taking a break and i read news all around our
country and I'm like, really? Is that all we are capable of?
Is that all we really wana achieve?
To weep over Hillary's lost elections, as if our relative member died?
country and I'm like, really? Is that all we are capable of?
Is that all we really wana achieve?
To weep over Hillary's lost elections, as if our relative member died?
Tags: Anger, black, Clinton, empowerment, photograph, racial tensions, text, voting, white, woke, Woke Blacks, world of possibilities
This is exactly what i have been trying …
This is exactly what i have been trying to tell y'all. Your vote should be
precious to y'all ous its your power to put another person in authority over
you, your freedom, your daily life and your safety.
To most people, it's about just going out to…
precious to y'all ous its your power to put another person in authority over
you, your freedom, your daily life and your safety.
To most people, it's about just going out to…
Tags: civil rights, Clinton, freedom, nation, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Trump, voting, woke, Woke Blacks
Hillary Clinton is a traitor! Hillary Cl…
Hillary Clinton is a traitor! Hillary Clinton is a liar! Hillary Clinton is insane! I
know that many black people support this old dirty bitch. I don’t know why
they do this, still it’s their personal choice and we are a free country yet. But,
know that many black people support this old dirty bitch. I don’t know why
they do this, still it’s their personal choice and we are a free country yet. But,
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, Clinton, famous person, gender, race, red, Sadness, Surprise, video, voting, white, Williams&Kalvin
Fellow Texans! It's time to say a strong…
Fellow Texans! It's time to say a strong NO to the establishment robbers. It is
unacceptable for us to see them ruin all we've been building for decades. For
centuries. The establishment thinks they can treat us like stupid sheep but
they are…
unacceptable for us to see them ruin all we've been building for decades. For
centuries. The establishment thinks they can treat us like stupid sheep but
they are…
Tags: Anger, blue, can't trust the Clintons, Clinton, cowboy, cowgirl, economy, gun, Heart of Texas, illustration, immigration, infestation, Joy, liberty, racial tensions, red, refugees, Republican, Texas, Trump, U.S. Flag, voting, white
End the whining and crying, end the riot…
End the whining and crying, end the riots with these same white
people(democrats), who will not march with you when your son, daughter or
loved one gets shot for being Black.
I opted out of the elections and i had many Black people all up in my…
people(democrats), who will not march with you when your son, daughter or
loved one gets shot for being Black.
I opted out of the elections and i had many Black people all up in my…
Keep on whining and crying for your pres…
Keep on whining and crying for your president, ooh, who wasn't elected.
Imma take care of my kids.
I'll keep grinding for them, to make sure the get the best education.
To ensure they dress well and eat healthy food.
And I'm gon tell you to do the…
Imma take care of my kids.
I'll keep grinding for them, to make sure the get the best education.
To ensure they dress well and eat healthy food.
And I'm gon tell you to do the…