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Why Do We Count Seconds, Hours, Days, And Weeks In Weird Terms Like
60, 24, 7 And 52 But Once We Get To Years We Go Into Base Ten (Decades,
Centuries, etc.)?

Check the link below to know the answer! Q&A Why Do We Count Seconds,
Hours, Days, And…

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At the Last Supper Jesus says:

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if

you don’t have a sword, sell your Cloak and buy one.”
— Luke 22:36

What does that mean? Jesus always stood for peace and…
Do you want to see top 5 girls who applied for a job at Facebook?
Hit the link

Welcome to the future.
I'm very proud of all our Black youth out there making a difference by getting
knowledge. The future is bright and our liberation is certain, just stay woke to

the system and don't get drowned in it's deceit.

"We cannot…
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This year had some good ones, but you already know them, so here's the list
of the movies that were not so good DudeTube The Worst Movies of 2016
2016-12-302016-12-30 0 Comment This year had some good ones, but you
already know them, so here's the…
Officials of the Highlands High School are investigating a bizarre incident of a
racist student who posted on snapchat an image of a fake licensee to hunt
Black people. Officials of the Highlands High School are investigating a
bizarre incident of a…
If you ever wondered... Q&A What Makes Dreaming So Much More Vivid And
Memorable Than Just Thinking? 2017-01-092017-01-10 0 Comment Share
on FacebookShare on Twitter Source What Makes Dreaming So Much More
Vivid And Memorable Than Just Thinking? —…
Let's stand united to defend our faith as an army of Jesus! Army Of Jesus