Conternarrative to “Text from my dad”

So, Jonathan is protesting ads for the metro. Why would that be, I wonder?
In Maryland, the Metro is our method of public transportation, rather like the Subway in New York or the Underground in London. As a Marylander, then , i must assume that this startling evidence means Jonathan is against our Metro. So is his father. Jonathan included this text in his Omeka file, so he is happy with his parents, a dutiful a n loyal son to his father. By this we can infer that he is, in fact, protesting the Metro fro his father’s sake. What kind of people dislike public transportation? or possible small, underground trains? Well, obviously, those with some stock in private, above-ground transportation.
This text obviously indicates that Jonathan’s father own some sort of scenic, slow, above-ground, private transportation company. Perhaps a horse and carriage business. Jonathan and his family, then, are protesting the Metro, and probably buses, cars, and bicycles, in the hope that they will eventually go away and the age of the horse-drawn chariot will reign again. Good luck!!

P.S., please do not think that I am trying to say that protesting the metro ads makes you old-fashioned. That was kind of how it sounded on re-reading and is not at all what I mean.

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