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- Tags: woke
Natalie Portman is a big star, but even …
Natalie Portman is a big star, but even she earns significantly less money
than here male co-stars. Celebro Natalie Portman Talks About The Gender
Wage Gap In Hollywood 2017-01-112017-01-11 0 Comment Natalie Portman
is a big star, but even she…
than here male co-stars. Celebro Natalie Portman Talks About The Gender
Wage Gap In Hollywood 2017-01-112017-01-11 0 Comment Natalie Portman
is a big star, but even she…
Tags: economy, empowerment, equality, famous person, gender, popular culture, woke
A word to the wise...! James Baldwin sai…
A word to the wise...! James Baldwin said it all.
#PanAfricanism #BlackNationalism #BlackEmpowerment
#AfricanEmpowerment #AfricanAndProud #BlaCkAndProud #BlackPride
#BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #Amerikkka…
#PanAfricanism #BlackNationalism #BlackEmpowerment
#AfricanEmpowerment #AfricanAndProud #BlaCkAndProud #BlackPride
#BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #Amerikkka…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, equality, gender, race, racial identities, text, white, woke
Amazing Beyoncé protested against gun vi…
Amazing Beyoncé protested against gun violence during her performance in
the Video Music Awards. The popular singer showed her disapproval of the
recent gun violence in the country through her VMA performance. Beyoncé,
while performing a number of…
the Video Music Awards. The popular singer showed her disapproval of the
recent gun violence in the country through her VMA performance. Beyoncé,
while performing a number of…
Tags: Anger, black, blacklivesmatter, civil rights, darkness and light, police brutality, race, sacred, white, woke
A demonstration which was held on Tuesda…
A demonstration which was held on Tuesday in response to the recent fatal
police shooting of Philando Castile resulted in the arrest of 46 people outside
the governor’s mansion in St. Paul, Minnesota. Another arrest was carried
out the following day,…
police shooting of Philando Castile resulted in the arrest of 46 people outside
the governor’s mansion in St. Paul, Minnesota. Another arrest was carried
out the following day,…
Indiana jury awarded the man a $1 compen…
Indiana jury awarded the man a $1 compensation following a mistaken
identity case, whereby cops entered his home without warrant and unlawfully
arrested him. Back in July 7, 2012, Indiana police came into the home of an
18-year-old high school…
identity case, whereby cops entered his home without warrant and unlawfully
arrested him. Back in July 7, 2012, Indiana police came into the home of an
18-year-old high school…
25 years for rape, murder, and burglary …
25 years for rape, murder, and burglary for a man who didn’t commit any of
those crimes. Philadelphia is a place poisoned by police misconduct for so
many years. That is the reason why they didn’t immediately release an
innocent man even after it…
those crimes. Philadelphia is a place poisoned by police misconduct for so
many years. That is the reason why they didn’t immediately release an
innocent man even after it…
Tags: badge, black, blacklivesmatter, civil rights, empowerment, equality, justice, police brutality, prison, race, Sadness, woke
Black people have no place in the coming…
Black people have no place in the coming 2016 presidential election because
we have had our Chance and we never profited out of it. We had a moment to
present economic or social advancement plans to president Obama, yet we
refused and let anti-…
we have had our Chance and we never profited out of it. We had a moment to
present economic or social advancement plans to president Obama, yet we
refused and let anti-…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, Democrat, empowerment, patriotism, race, voting, woke
Event in loving memory of Terrance Kello…
Event in loving memory of Terrance Kellom killed in front of his family by the
ICE officer Mitchell Quinn. On April 28th, Terrance Kellom was fatally shot by
police in front of his father at their home on Evergreen. No Charges were filed
ICE officer Mitchell Quinn. On April 28th, Terrance Kellom was fatally shot by
police in front of his father at their home on Evergreen. No Charges were filed
Where is the justice? Our brothers and s…
Where is the justice? Our brothers and sisters are being cruelly killed by the
so—called police every day and ourjudicial system is absolutely blind. We are
all Americans, but why does our corrupt Government differ black and white
people? We want the…
so—called police every day and ourjudicial system is absolutely blind. We are
all Americans, but why does our corrupt Government differ black and white
people? We want the…
Join us to learn more! Why aren't white …
Join us to learn more! Why aren't white hoods and white supremacist
propaganda illegal here in America? Why are Germans ashamed of their
bigotry, while America is proud of it? Black America ( @black Blacklivessss
propaganda illegal here in America? Why are Germans ashamed of their
bigotry, while America is proud of it? Black America ( @black Blacklivessss
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, equality, gun, justice, meme, staystrong, white, woke