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- Tags: voting
What the fuck.
President Obama stated that he would wait several weeks more to see what
happens. Okay. He'sjust going to finish his careerwithout doing thisjob. It
could be a great Chapter of his political biography, but he Chose to be lame
Tags: Anger, famous person, nation, racial identities, U.S. Flag, video, voting, Watch the Police
PRESIDENT Stop Trump and his bigoted agenda! Not My President BM
Tags: Anger, black, BM, empowerment, famous person, illustration, nation, red, Republican, Trump, voting, white
The Choosing of the President must be le…
Trump won the Electoral College but is behind by nearly 840,000 votes
nationally! This is just wrong!
The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not
Donald John Trump was elected the 45th p…
Tuesday! Today some massive crowds of libtards marched in NYC against
election of Donald Trump.
Come to Trump Tower (725 5th Ave) on Saturday to show Mr. Trump there
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, black, blue, famous person, Joy, patriotism, photograph, text, Trump, voting, world of possibilities
Nothing to add.
Tags: Anger, Democrat, famous person, meme, nation, Pan-African roots MOVE, race, racial tensions, Republican, voting
On December 3rd the KKK terrorist organi…
North Carolina to celebrate the election of Donald Trump.
Join us on Dec. 3 in Marshall Park, Charlotte as we voice our opposition to
the Klan demonstration, their hateful…
Tags: Anger, black, BM, city on a hill, civil rights, crime, Fear, illustration, nation, race, racial tensions, red, Terrorism, Trump, voting, white
#NotMyPresident hashtag has become popul…
shaken the life of the Black Community. Many people feel the urge to share
their opinion on what happened. For those who would like to join the meetups
against Donald Trump as the…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, BM, civil rights, famous person, nation, photograph, race, racial identities, red, Trump, voting, white, world of possibilities
I'll just leave this one here. Well done…
#boycott #november8 #elections2016 #ripaltonsterling #altonsterling
#TerenceCrutCher #westandtogether #melanin #blackisbeautiful
#blacklivesmatter #blackgirlmagic #U SA…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, blue, illustration, red, text, voting, white, woke, Woke Blacks
Power to the People! We have to grow up,…
We don't have any other Choice this time but boycott the election.
This time we Choose between two racists. No one represents Black people.
Don't go to vote. Only this way we can Change…
Tags: black, blue, photograph, race, racial identities, red, text, voting, white, Williams&Kalvin
Donald John Trump was elected the 45th p…
Tuesday! Today some massive crowds of libtards marched in NYC against
election of Donald Trump.
Come to Trump Tower (725 5th Ave) on Saturday to show Mr. Trump there
Tags: Anger, black, blue, darkness and light, famous person, Humor, Joy, nation, photograph, red, Trump, voting