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- Tags: religious figure
Today Americans are able to elect a pres…
Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.
And even though Donald Trump isn’t a saint by any means, he’s at least an
honest man and he…
Let's stand united to defend our faith a…
Tags: blue, patriotism, red, religion, religious figure, sacred, soldiers, the people, U.S. Flag, white
You are an Awesome God, i will forever p…
and kindness.
#ittakestime #soblessed #waitingonthelord
#Iord #amen #hallelujah #salvation #Blacksforchrist #jesus #jesussaves
#prayer #jesusistruth #jesusforall…
Tags: blue, civil rights, empowerment, Love, religion, religious figure, sacred, text, white
At the Last Supper Jesus says:
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if
you don’t have a sword, sell your Cloak and buy one.”
— Luke 22:36
What does that mean? Jesus always stood for peace and…
Tags: 2nd Amendment, blue, Conservative, Constitution, darkness and light, gun, guns, MAGA, patriotism, REAL AMERICA, red, religion, religious figure, Republican, Surprise, text, the people, Trump, U.S. Flag, war, white, wut
Let's stand united to defend our faith a…
Tags: blue, patriotism, red, religion, religious figure, sacred, soldiers, the people, U.S. Flag, white, wut
A page to unit all Muslim people living …
Tags: empowerment, freedom, Islamophobia, refugees, religious figure, Terrorism
President Barack Obama defended his deci…
students of both sexes based on preference, Citing his religious faith as a
reason he decided to do it.
“My reading of scripture tells me that that [the] Golden Rule is pretty high…
They just blame everybody for laziness a…
protect our freedom and act for everybody's rights
Tags: brown, darkness and light, Fear, Liberal, patriotism, religion, religious figure, sacred, white, wut, yellow
We Muslims of the United States are subj…
Tags: 9/11, Anger, crime, empowerment, equality, Fear, freedom, immigration, justice, Love, nation, photograph, race, racial identities, religion, religious figure, Sadness, Terrorism, the people, Trump, woke