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- Tags: protester
The time has come to understand one simp…
are as American Support Hillary. Save American Muslims!
New-York City. Staten Island. October 22…
Police Brutality. The day when everyone must stand up for their rights in the
City where "We can't breath" movement was created after Eric Garner's death.
Mr. Garner and his…
Tags: blacklivesmatter, class, guns, justice, police brutality, protester, race
Of course, many of you will scoff at comparing 49ers quarterback Colin
Kaepernick to Martin Luther King Jr., who also demanded better from America
in 1966. But after all, Kaepernick is a great…
Angela Davis's word for thought.
#melaninqueen #dope #beautiful #wakeup #wewillsurvive #organize
##joshuabeal #altonsterling #TerenceCrutcher #westandtogether
#blacklivesmatter #unite4justice #november8 #elections2016 #black…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, brown, economy, empowerment, famous person, Joy, painting, protester, purple, race, racial identities, Republican, the people, voting, woke
Black people, we should be brave in our …
fearless in our fight for our freedom. We should not back down and give up for
the future of these little ones will be determined by how well we fight today.
repost @[1685853058396977274:Melaninvibe…
Tags: black, Blacktivist, civil rights, famous person, Joy, photograph, protester, race, racial identities, racial tensions, red, white
Brown Power is a platform designed to ed…
Chicanos in the US.
Tags: black, brown, Brown Power, civil rights, common folks, green, illustration, immigration, invader, Joy, photograph, protester, race, racial identities, red
This land is ours
Tags: Anger, black, blue, Brown Power, illustration, immigration, infestation, orange, protester, race
Our lives begin to end the day we become…
Tags: Brown Power, civil rights, common folks, illustration, immigration, Joy, orange, protester, race, racial tensions, red, U.S. Flag, white
White racist want to steal our fight. He…
White-Ied anti-racism groups have existed for hundreds of years, and they’ve
often been problematic, counterproductive, and just fucking weird since their
Take, for instance,…