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- Tags: nation
A message from Muslim American kids to a…
we really want our kids to feel ?
Tags: Anger, blue, common folks, Joy, language, nation, non-partisan, race, racial identities, rainbow, religion, Sadness, Trump, United Muslims of America, video
They take yourjob and money! Stop illega…
Tags: Anger, brown, immigration, infestation, invader, nation, non-partisan, photograph, Stop A.I., white
Who is ready to do the same in any publi…
We really need to stop Islamophobia and the fear of Muslims, and Change
that false image about us, it's everybody's duty...
A 21-year-old Oklahoma man was sentenced…
for sexually assaulting orphaned Children while on a missionary trip in Kenya
in 2014. Matthew works at an orphanage built and run by an American Citizen
named Upendo Children…
Tags: Anger, common folks, crime, darkness and light, Fear, nation, non-partisan, photograph, prison, white, Williams&Kalvin
USA Muslims united
977')? 9777') 77777779 7977???
Tags: black, blue, illustration, Joy, nation, race, racial identities, red, religion, sacred, U.S. Flag, United Muslims of America
There is nothing good in illegal immigra…
Tags: Anger, brown, immigration, infestation, invader, nation, non-partisan, photograph, Stop A.I., white
You are not the only one to despise immi…
Tags: Anger, brown, immigration, infestation, invader, nation, non-partisan, photograph, Stop A.I., white
USA Muslims united
977')? 9777') 77777779 7977???
Tags: black, blue, illustration, Joy, nation, race, racial identities, red, religion, sacred, U.S. Flag, United Muslims of America
Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arr…
this Thursday broadcast on Fox Business Network. She said there is “a
special place in hell” for people like Hillary “and I hope she enjoys it there”.
Smith added in her…
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, black, can't trust the Clintons, Clinton, crime, famous person, green, invader, nation, photograph, race, security, yellow
we are Muslims and we stand together
77') 7777')? 777') 7') 9797') 9797')
Tags: black, blue, illustration, Joy, nation, race, racial identities, red, religion, sacred, U.S. Flag, United Muslims of America