Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arr…

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Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arr…


Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arrack victim’s made some statements
this Thursday broadcast on Fox Business Network. She said there is “a
special place in hell” for people like Hillary “and I hope she enjoys it there”.

Smith added in her interview: “I want Hillary to talk to me personally, and tell
me why there was no security there, when they were asked for it. I know this,
because I spoke to my son. That day, he says he was really scared, because
he saw the 17 people — 17 November, whatever it was, that they were walking
around taking pictures. And he was afraid. He says it didn’t look very good.
And he was afraid. And that he asked for security, and he was turned down.”

This must be a mean joke we're having that kind of liar as a possible
president. Even understanding that most liberals are brainwashed Ijust don't

get it - how can a politician caught in a lie of that scale still be trusted by
electorate? One must be totally insane to follow THAT kind of leader.
Patricia’s son is an American hero and his blood is on Hillary’s hands.



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