A demonstration which was held on Tuesday in response to the recent fatal
police shooting of Philando Castile resulted in the arrest of 46 people outside
the governor’s mansion in St. Paul, Minnesota. Another arrest was carried
out the following day,…
Indiana jury awarded the man a $1 compensation following a mistaken
identity case, whereby cops entered his home without warrant and unlawfully
arrested him. Back in July 7, 2012, Indiana police came into the home of an
18-year-old high school…
Think of all little boys and girls who can lose or have already lost their
fathers... God bless our troops! We are forever grateful! Home of the Brave.
Support our Veterans! Please, repost it you like and don't forget to tag me!
Follow the link.…
Event in loving memory of Terrance Kellom killed in front of his family by the
ICE officer Mitchell Quinn. On April 28th, Terrance Kellom was fatally shot by
police in front of his father at their home on Evergreen. No Charges were filed