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- Tags: freedom
Bianca Carlisle Parker is the wife of Da…
Bianca Carlisle Parker is the wife of Dante Parker, an African American man
who was killed by police. Dante Parker, 36, a father of five and a popular
newspaper pressman died in police custody on August 12, 2014. He was
tasered over 25 times by cops…
who was killed by police. Dante Parker, 36, a father of five and a popular
newspaper pressman died in police custody on August 12, 2014. He was
tasered over 25 times by cops…
we are Muslims and we stand together
we are Muslims and we stand together
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Yet the death of another Black man has b…
Yet the death of another Black man has been recorded in the bloody books of
the law enforcement. Read our research folloing the link. A police officer shot
and killed Darius Wimberly in the awe hours of Tuesday while attending to a
911 call. Officer…
the law enforcement. Read our research folloing the link. A police officer shot
and killed Darius Wimberly in the awe hours of Tuesday while attending to a
911 call. Officer…
Tags: Anger, black, Black Matters, blacklivesmatter, blue, BM, civil rights, common folks, crime, darkness and light, empowerment, equality, Fear, freedom, gun, illustration, Joy, meme, non-partisan, photograph, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, red, religion, sacred, Sadness, security, U.S. Flag, United Muslims of America, white, world of possibilities, yellow
Join us and make Changes for the Black c…
Join us and make Changes for the Black community. It’s time to take actions.
This cop brutalized the Child for taking…
This cop brutalized the Child for taking a shortcut back home. This is why we
have the BLM movement against injustice and police brutality.
have the BLM movement against injustice and police brutality.
USA Muslims united
USA Muslims united
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977')? 9777') 77777779 7977???
Innocent Jerome Smith has spent 31 years…
Innocent Jerome Smith has spent 31 years of his life in prison. He must be
brought home. Only you can help him. Please, sign the petition.
brought home. Only you can help him. Please, sign the petition.
Don‘t forget Huey Newton and Bobby Seale…
Don‘t forget Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, who founded the Black Panther
Party for SeIf-Defense in October 1966.
Party for SeIf-Defense in October 1966.
i'm a Muslim and i'm proud
i'm a Muslim and i'm proud
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7’)? 777') 7777')?