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- Tags: equality
About $190 billion dollars are spent eac…
social services by the American taxpayers. Are leftists still sure that illegal
immigration improves our economy?
Almost 2 years have passed since the dea…
was violentl Rally In Memory Of Eric Garner
Stand up, South Carolina! Let’s stop the…
supremacy! Not My Heritage
Alton Sterling, an innocent 37-year-old …
executed by two Baton Justice For Alton Sterling
Tags: Anger, badge, blacklivesmatter, empowerment, equality, Fear, gun, guns, justice, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, security, Terrorism, woke
Exactly. And, I also mind that you use s…
politicians who will pass laws to allow you to avoid paying your fair share of
Tags: Anger, economy, equality, green, justice, protester, self-made man [person], text, the people, Wall Street
We Muslims of the United States are subj…
White media used to tell what is importa…
important for Blacks.
Tags: Anger, badge, blacklivesmatter, crime, equality, Fear, gun, guns, justice, Kaepernick, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, security, Terrorism, the people, woke
Almost 2 years have passed since the dea…
was violentl Rally In Memory Of Eric Garner
Tags: Anger, badge, blacklivesmatter, crime, equality, Fear, justice, Kaepernick, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, security, Terrorism, the people, woke
The time has come to understand one simp…
are as American Support Hillary. Save American Muslims!
I cannot understand why democrats encour…
illegal aliens who are breaking our immigration and labor laws. They praise
rioters and vandals... What's wrong with them?
Tags: alllivesmatter, Anger, badge, blacklivesmatter, bluelivesmatter, Conservative, crime, empowerment, equality, freedom, gun, guns, illustration, Kaepernick, Liberal, MAGA, photograph, police brutality, prison, race, racial identities, Terrorism, text, woke