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Saturday marked 25 years since one of the biggest and most violent acts of
protest in modern American history, which involved days of rebellion largely
led by L.A.’s Black residents. It's up to you to decide, how much America has
Changed through…
Police brutality in America gone crazy. But America is too busy bombing
countries in the Middle East.
Reversing this trend won’t be easy, especially when the industry increasingly
looks to Latino neighborhoods and other minority communities to boost sales.
Black people are 1.5 times more likely to be obese than their white
counterparts. Why? Black…
This is so powerful and breathtaking. All my respect.
Never be afraid of protecting and supporting each other. If not us, then who?
We always condemn racism and terrorism because they only affect the poor
and less privilege in society. So don't be fooled into making this mistake: The
war in Syria is just another rich white man's way to profit at the cost of
innocent lives... and…
"Querer es Poder" This phrase, which is a saying I've heard my parents say
since I was a child, has been a driving force in myjourney in higher
education, and it was the inspiration for my cap. It loosely translates to Where
there's a will, there's a…
This strategy is great indeed. Glad to see people making positive Change to
unite the world, rather than executive orders to divide it.
This is so awful but who cares? Do you know that the United States and its
allies have killed at least 3,200 Civilians in more than 1,000 days of bombing?
Yes, it's more than nine times the 352 deaths acknowledged by the US.
military. Innocent Syrian…
Sanya Gragg establishes a five-part mantra in her book “Momma, Did You
Hear The News?” to help black Americans remember what to do during a
police encounter.

A - Always use your manners
L - Listen and comply
This is the story about 19-year-old Juwan Alexander Plummer.
On April 14 the Plummers’ door had been kicked in by burglars.
On April 16 Plummer, his mother, and his 14-year-old little brother did not see
the police lights because the unit was parked…