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- Tags: Anger
We are against illegal immrgation and Is…
Tags: Anger, black, immigration, infestation, Stop A.I., text, white
Just must watch: Students at the Univers…
graduation as Mike Pence takes the stage to speak. That's totally awesome!
Students at the University Of Notre Dame walk out of their gra...
Tags: Anger, Brown Power, famous person, nation, the people, video
The sit-in which began at around 5 pm. S…
area it was triggered by the letter which an African-American woman found on
her car. Student protests erupted at St. Olaf College after several racist, hate-
filled acts on…
Tags: Anger, black, BM, brown, photograph, protester, race, racial tensions
And they say get over it. How can we eve…
Tags: Anger, black, famous person, Pan-African roots MOVE, photograph, race, racial tensions, white
Make this go viral! This is how police b…
Tags: Anger, black, police brutality, race, redacted, Williams&Kalvin
Our politicians should never forget that…
commandership wasting lives of American soldiers for too long, let’s hope it
will end now when Trump is in Charge.
A new Marine Corps artillery unit was sent to assist Syrian…
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, black, blue, civil rights, foreign policy, freedom, green, gun, guns, invader, Joy, meme, nation, photograph, soldiers, veterans, war
If you don’t break the law, we are told,…
Sadly, those who blindly repeat that phrase remain irresponsibly oblivious to
the real problem of police abusing innocent people.
As a recent ACLU lawsuit shows,…
Tags: Anger, blue, brown, class, common folks, Fear, Joy, police brutality, race, racial tensions, video, white, Williams&Kalvin
How many more? Black people of America s…
and they do suffer now, you just can't see. Wars Rob Black People
Tags: Anger, black, blacklivesmatter, BM, civil rights, foreign policy, nation, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions, Sadness, soldiers, war, white
Secured borders should be a top priority…
more than ever.
Tags: Anger, black, blue, civil rights, crime, darkness and light, Fear, foreign policy, frontier, green, illustration, immigration, infestation, invader, Joy, nation, race, racial tensions, Secured Borders, security, U.S. Flag
If you also think that there should only…
let's make it happen.
Stop war! Stop killing the innocent! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
US. from useless and bloody military campaigns. But what we see is only…
Tags: Anger, foreign policy, green, Joy, nation, national monuments, photograph, protester, race, racial tensions, red, religion, United Muslims of America, war, white