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- Tags: Anger
Our kids are always a target for racists…
Michigan police hold 5 unarmed black kids at gunpoint in case of mistaken
identity Michigan Police Hold 5 Unarmed Black Kids At Gunpoint For No
Tags: Anger, black, BM, Fear, guns, photograph, police brutality, race, racial tensions, Sadness
The video begins with the depiction of t…
which always end with the dreaded words, “We’ll be in touch.” HP releases
an ad promising more workplace diversity. Workplace Diversity Tackled In
New Ad
Tags: Anger, black, blue, BM, brown, civil rights, class, common folks, economy, Joy, photograph, race, racial tensions, red, Sadness, Wall Street, white
The New York City Police Department now …
Abdus-Salaam’s death is “suspicious” after officials last week told the
Associated Press that Abdus-Salaam’s drowning death was being treated as
a suicide.
Subscribe to…
Tags: Anger, black, brown, crime, famous person, graduation, race, Sadness, text, video, white, Williams&Kalvin
Dylan Storm Roof's website hinted at why…
shoot nine people to death at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in
South Carolina.
Along with a long, hate-filled screed, the 21-year-old included photos…
Tags: Anger, black, blue, common folks, Confederacy, crime, darkness and light, Fear, illustration, nation, race, red, religion, Sadness, text, U.S. Flag, video, white, Williams&Kalvin
White people do everything to make Black…
And first of all, they want us believe that European standards of beauty are
the only!
But let me tell you this! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL! We just need to keep saying
Tags: Anger, black, Joy, popular culture, racial identities, racial tensions, redacted, Sadness, text, white, Williams&Kalvin
“Momma, Did You Hear The News?” is a kid…
parents to talk about police brutality “Momma, Did You Hear The News?” is a
kids' book that aims to help black parents to talk about police brutality This
Kids’ Book Helps…
Tags: Anger, black, blue, BM, brown, civil rights, common folks, Fear, illustration, meme, police brutality, racial tensions, Sadness, text, white
Only in our country a Black man can be C…
police officer!
Video by: @[540176322666035:274:Po
Tags: Anger, black, civil rights, crime, green, Pan-African roots MOVE, police brutality, prison, racial tensions, Sadness, text, video, white
If you don't want refugees, stop creatin…
Please, come out to support us on June 3rd in front of Trump Tower in New
York. We must stop this madness! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
US. from useless and bloody military…
Tags: Anger, black, common folks, foreign policy, green, immigration, invader, Islamophobia, photograph, protester, red, refugees, Sadness, Trump, United Muslims of America, war, white, yellow
Using our tax money to bomb innocent peo…
is terrorism too!
Tags: Anger, black, blue, darkness and light, Fear, foreign policy, guns, invader, Islamophobia, meme, Terrorism, United Muslims of America, war, white