The Truth Behind “My Home Town”

If you were to look at this photo and simultaneously read the caption it will lead you to believe that it is a picture of the harbor in downtown Baltimore, but is it true? No, no, NO! I am here to tell you all the truth behind the “My Home Town” image.

It is easy to claim that this was taken in Baltimore when in fact this is an image from the film The Best Night Ever.  “Why didn’t Emil just tell us that that is where the photo is from” you might ask?  Well, it may be the fact that The Best Night Ever is, well, a chick flick.  No, I did not stutter.  This beautiful picturesque image of the hazy blue night sky glistening off the harbor water and casting over the tall city buildings is a scene to remember. This is one of those scenes that ladies ohh and ahh over.  On some occasions the ladies may even lean over and place their head on their man’s shoulder.  Now, STOP and take in what just happened: “My Home Town” is claimed to be a picture of downtown Baltimore when in fact it’s a scene from the chick flick The Best Night Ever.

Hmmm…. So, with all of that said, there is only one conclusion to make and it’s that Emil has a strong hidden like for chick flicks and did not want any of us to know.  If I had not done my homework (hypothetically speaking) I would have fallen for the caption as well, but you can’t get anything by me this time! As they say, “Some things are better left unsaid!”


(Disclaimer: The Film The Best Night Ever was made up for the purposes of this assignment!)

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