New Species Discovered in Maryland Suburbs!

A self diagnosed technophobe, pathological truth-teller, and a creature of pure, unrepentant evil, Monica is an English major and plot enthusiast who was taken in from an early age by a wild pack of computer science majors and trained in the art of virtual war. While she has embraced their gamer culture and become fluent in their geekspeak, she remains a permanent duck out of water technologically, and takes great comfort in using stories and writing to ease herself into the digital medium. When she is not warring with computer science majors or plotting world domination, she attempts to write novels and draws webcomics in her spare time.

Monica is a shrewd but somewhat lazy plot predator, who is built for ambush and short bursts of speed rather than research sessions requiring stamina. As a result, she tends to lurk on Rotten Tomatoes and TV Tropes in order to supplement her own observations as she hunts down the elusive components that make stories effective at evoking emotion. Her latest interest is studying the horror genre. She keeps a diary documenting effective techniques, and is always on the lookout for more. She practically salivated upon noticing this class.

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