The R.H.H.

Mathew is known as a modern day Robin Hood in the city of Erlum. Eerlum, once a city of success and growth, has become infected with crime and poverty. As society became more dependent on technology and cyberspace, it became easier for white collar thieves and dirty politicians to gain enormous wealth at the cost of the general public and the health of the city.

Mathew, a naturally righteous and good natured individual, decided to use his gift of hacking to take a stand against the power and money hungry thieves. Thus began the cyber wars.

He began an underground hacking chain that’s purpose is to redistribute the stolen wealth back into the city and ultimately to the people. The Robin Hood Hackers, often referred to as the R.H.H., meet in the basement of an old abandoned elementary school. Only few know of the R.H.H.’s secret center. Located three stories below ground level, the elementary school basement is small but a safe place to hide from corrupt justice officials. If caught in association with the R.H.H one would most certainly be put to death.

Over the years Mathew has made sure his hackers stay safe by adding modifications to the basement. The walls have been lined with Oxyoxlin, a rare material that will prevent any outsider from monitoring or detecting web activity. The entrance of the basement appears dark and abandoned but each hacker knows where the eye scanner is located. After a hacker’s eyes are successfully scanned the door will click open and they can enter what Mathew likes to call the Room of Justice.

Mathew’s corner of the room is piled with stacks of documents on government funds. There is a large rectangular table topped with four computers and their monitors. Three of the four computers are tracking bank records, political activities, and individual threats. The fourth computer is where Mathew completes most of his hacking, addressing the problems highlighted by the tracking computers.

Posted on the wall by his desk are two photographs of his family. Mathew’s wife and daughter are the motivation that drives him to work so hard to try to bring the city back to a place of growth and good health instead of crime and turmoil. His ultimate goal is to create better life for his family.

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