Thursday, October 18, 2018

Time Program
9:30am-12:00pm Pre-ConferenceEncoding for Black Lives: Moving from Analog to Digital Markup in African American Rhetorical History 
9:30am-12:30pm Pre-ConferenceUMBRA Search and the Future of Black National Digital Platforms Pre-Conference Meeting (by invitation only)
1:00pm-4:00pm Pre-ConferenceAdministrator’s Forum on Supporting Black DH Work in the Academy: Promotion, Tenure, Graduate Students, and Funding Resources (by invitation only)
2:00pm-5:00pm Pre-Conference: QSR NVivo Training for Humanities Research 

Friday, October 19, 2018, at the Samuel Riggs Alumni Center

Time Program
8:00-5:00pm Registration
8:00-9:00am Breakfast (provided)
9:00-9:30am Opening Session, featuring Dean Bonnie Thornton Dill, Dr. Catherine Knight Steele, and special acknowledgment of Dianne Harris, Senior Program Officer at the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
10:00-11:15am Paper Sessions and Panels
11:30am-12:45pm Paper Sessions and Panels
1:00-2:30pm Lunch (provided)
2:30-3:45pm Paper Sessions and Panels
4:00-5:15pm Paper Sessions and Panels
5:30-7:30pm Reception
8:00-10:30pm Performance of Stew and the Negro Problem: Notes of a Native Song, at the Clarice Center for the Performing Arts (tickets required)

Saturday, October 20, 2018, at the Edward St. John Teaching and Learning Center

Time Program
8:00am-4:30pm Registration
8:00-9:00am Breakfast (provided)
9:00-10:30am Keynote Conversation, between Dr. André Brock and Dr. Jessica Marie Johnson, moderated by Dr. Jovonne Bickerstaff
10:45am-12:00pm Paper Sessions and Panels
12:00-1:00pm Lunch (provided)
1:00-2:15pm Digital Posters and Project Demonstrations
2:30-3:45pm Paper Sessions and Panels
4:00-5:15pm Paper Sessions and Panels
5:15-6:00pm Closing Plenary

Sunday, October 21, 2018, at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Time Program
8:00am – 1:00pm A select number of participants are invited to join us at NMAAHC on the morning of Sunday, October 21 for a VIP tour. Ticketed participants have been notified. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please contact the Program Committee at