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Based on scientific literature, skeletons and skulls of the ancient Egyptians
indicate they were Negroid people with features very similar to those of
modern Black Nubians and people of East Africa.

Remember who you are and know your ancestors.
When people haven't got Clean water and it becomes something "funny" for
another group of people simply because they are not affected, makes me sick
in the stomach.

This photo of Ohio State fans mocking Flint water crisis with sign isn't at…
No justice, no peace!

These words must be remembered as long as we live in a racist police

We must never give up and keep on fighting for the freedom and justice.
We are black and we are proud to be black.

We are not going to…
Every girl has the privilege of being socially accepted as beautiful!

Photo credit GISELLE Magazine
It's hard to express how simple and deep this phrase is! SeIf-empowermeht
and seIf-identification is our way! We built America but white people invented
their rules. Their system is not for us. Sometimes we can succeed in their
game but it's better…
Unapologetically melaneted Kings and Queens are powerful together. Join us!
Pan-Afican Roots MOVE