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- Tags: justice
A Year Without Justice for Tamir Rice. J…
A Year Without Justice for Tamir Rice. Join the meeting! A Year Without
Justice for Tamir Rice
Justice for Tamir Rice
Tags: blacklivesmatter, justice, racial tensions
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT …
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
Tags: civil rights, equality, freedom, gender, justice, LGBTQ, the people, woke
What do you know about PTSD? There is no…
What do you know about PTSD? There is no greater agony. PTSD affects a
person's memory, emotional responses, intellectual processes and nervous
system. Nearly 31% of veterans fight this agony every day. Do you want to
learn more? Click here! Veterans…
person's memory, emotional responses, intellectual processes and nervous
system. Nearly 31% of veterans fight this agony every day. Do you want to
learn more? Click here! Veterans…
The KKK is an American terror group!
The KKK is an American terror group!
Join the fight! Sign the petition to give that racist organization the REAL
name! Sign the petition today! Click below to learn more Barack Obama, US.
Hou... Blackusa
Join the fight! Sign the petition to give that racist organization the REAL
name! Sign the petition today! Click below to learn more Barack Obama, US.
Hou... Blackusa
A Year Without Justice for Tamir Rice. J…
A Year Without Justice for Tamir Rice. Join the meeting! A Year Without
Justice for Tamir Rice
Justice for Tamir Rice
Videoblog about social issues of Black A…
Videoblog about social issues of Black America The Reality is 7 black
Churches attacked by white people in the last week! But The Media Is Dead
Silent About It. What is going on in America? Williams&Kalvin
Churches attacked by white people in the last week! But The Media Is Dead
Silent About It. What is going on in America? Williams&Kalvin
Tags: Anger, black, blacklivesmatter, civil rights, common folks, crime, equality, Fear, justice, liberty, photograph, race, racial identities, racial tensions
Why our government wastes $11 MLN per da…
Why our government wastes $11 MLN per day on
Tags: Anger, blue, darkness and light, gov_spending, health care, Islamophobia, justice, liberty, nation, patriotism, red, Sadness, soldiers, Terrorism, text, veterans, war, white
And what would you Choose if u were a pr…
And what would you Choose if u were a president: to create 11200 military-
related jobs or to create 26700 jobs in education? Join us! Learn more! The
US Gov Spending Stats Instalol
related jobs or to create 26700 jobs in education? Join us! Learn more! The
US Gov Spending Stats Instalol
Tags: Anger, blue, common folks, gov_spending, justice, liberty, nation, patriotism, red, soldiers, text, war, white, world of possibilities