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Vanae James-Bey differs from most Black kids of her age. She’s only 6 but
she’s already Chosen her future. Vanae sees herself as a beacon of
information for people of color. Vanae James-Bey has created a coloring book
which focuses on Black culture.…
Unite Black people worldwide, for we are weak because we are divided!
Woke Blacks
"Patriotism is looking out for yourself by looking out for your country" - Calvin
Coolidge. Being Patriotic
Growing up in abject poverty, William Dyson and his family struggled to make
ends meet. After teaching himself meditation, which he says, helped him to
become aware of the numerous people facing the same problems that he was
dealing with, William…
Supporting the Old Glory, the Constitution and traditional values. God bless
America! Being Patriotic
Don't forget who has lived on this earth since ancient times, and who just
came and took it away
“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep violating us in our own

communities,” said Deon Jones after filing a federal Civil rights lawsuit against
the Denver Police Department for nearly killing him.

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This is what happens when a white man wants to make money from your
country. This should remind us all - never trust a white American man!
Our page is the living evidence of importance of police reform in America.
Watch The Police