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  • Tags: blacklivesmatter
The spread of hatred in the American society

On Saturday there were two protests: a Ku Klux Klan rally in South Carolina
and an anti-racism protest. About 2,000 people arrived to South Carolina’s
statehouse. Some of them present the KKK’s rally…
Glamour included the founders of Black Lives Matter to the honorees at this

year’s Women of the Year Awards. Black Lives Matter Founders Honored By
Couldn't go past this one, Blessed earth strong @kaepernick7 may you
continue your works and work in the power of our ancestors :) ??? ?
Be eager and glad to find out about your roots. The more you find out about
your ancestry, the more you find…
Do everything in your power to Change the society we live in and fight to
protect our Children.
Whether you take part in protests and rallies orjust want to voice your
concerns about police brutality against African Americans you need these
cool t-shirts! Buying our t-shirts you donate to the needs of the Black
Community. BlackMatters is a…
#NotMyPresident hashtag has become popular after the election that has
shaken the life of the Black Community. Many people feel the urge to share
their opinion on what happened. For those who would like to join the meetups
against Donald Trump as the…