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- Tags: blacklivesmatter
Black community welcomes you! We want to…
brothers and sisters!
Tags: Anger, black, blacklivesmatter, Blacktivist, equality, illustration, justice, race, racial identities, red
We are all Americans. We are all equal. …
losing our freedom, we're losing our rights, we're losing equality. That's why I
believe we have to fight to protect it. That's why I believe we have to unite to
People, our race is in danger! Together …
your word! Join us! Black Pride ( @black Yoyoyoyoyoy
Black Lives Matters! Say it loud. I'm bl…
Tags: black, blacklivesmatter, Blacktivist, illustration, Joy, protester, race, racial identities, red
Black community welcomes you! We want to…
brothers and sisters!
Bianca Carlisle Parker is the wife of Da…
who was killed by police. Dante Parker, 36, a father of five and a popular
newspaper pressman died in police custody on August 12, 2014. He was
tasered over 25 times by cops…
There is a disgusting video Circulating …
unidentified white cop rape a helpless Black teen. Shameless White Cop
Rapes Black Teen
Tags: Anger, black, Black Matters, blacklivesmatter, BM, civil rights, crime, darkness and light, Fear, justice, meme, photograph, police brutality, race, racial tensions, Sadness, security, white, woke
On November 15, 2015, Jamar Clark, a 24-…
shot by two Minneapolis cops. According to witnesses, Jamar was handcuffed
when he was shot.
Killer cops involved in the shooting won't face discipline. Chief Janee…
Yet the death of another Black man has b…
the law enforcement. Read our research folloing the link. A police officer shot
and killed Darius Wimberly in the awe hours of Tuesday while attending to a
911 call. Officer…
Tags: Anger, black, Black Matters, blacklivesmatter, blue, BM, civil rights, common folks, crime, darkness and light, empowerment, equality, Fear, freedom, gun, illustration, Joy, meme, non-partisan, photograph, police brutality, race, racial identities, racial tensions, red, religion, sacred, Sadness, security, U.S. Flag, United Muslims of America, white, world of possibilities, yellow