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For the first time in American history, the leading candidate for the Democrat
party is running on a platform that would prohibit the private ownership [or
outright confiscation] of firearms. As a candidate, Hillary has already stated
that the 2nd…
Every American’s right to bear arms is absolutely sacred, period. All the
liberal attacks on it are very worrying because the Amendment was not only
made for self defense — it is a nation’s ability to overthrow the tyranny. A
Government that doesn’t…
Marine veteran was forced by homeowner associations to remove USMC
stickers from his car. Our country is run by idiots! Retired marine Frank
Larison recently received a letter by the HOA, ordering him to remove his
“marine stickers” from his Chevy…
This page is dedicated to protection against illegal immigrants! Like to join!
A rally in loving memory of Aiyana Jones

May 16 will mark the sixth anniversary of the br The 6th Anniversary Of The
Aiyana Jones’ Death