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  • Tags: Trump
Iraq, Syria, Libya — several years of fails in the Middle East diplomacy. May I

remind you Hillary had a long time to show her foreign policy skills — being a
Secretary of State she had quite enough of political powers.

How can anyone support her?…
If a Republican doesn’t like guns he doesn’t buy one. If a Democrat doesn’t
like guns he wants all guns outlawed. We all know the Supreme Court is now
under a threat of receiving anti-gun majority ofjudges. Only a conservative
President can stop this…
A message from Muslim American kids to all Citizens of the us .. is this how
we really want our kids to feel ?
This is just for laughs :D
No offends, just saying things the way they are.
Guys, what do you think about this Trump (stitches parody)?

#TheTrump #just4laughs
It was a powerful moment in an America that has seen hate crimes against
Muslim Americans triple since November. In an America where the
Republican political party had a 44% very unfavorable view of Islam, despite
78% of the same Republican…
The liberal mass media tried to overblow a story about the KKK’s
endorsement of Trump. They Claimed Donald is supported by David Duke and
“white supremacists”. The journalists are trying to depict Trump as a racist
and continue their attempts even…
Do you support Trump? Wanna #MakeAmericaGreatAgain? Wanna see your
kid on our account? Take pictures, make videos, send them to us via DM or
tag #KIDS4TRUMP and we'll make a patriotic team of young Trump
supporters here! I'm sure it'll be great!

Do you support Trump? Wanna #MakeAmericaGreatAgain? Wanna see your
kid on our account? Take pictures, make videos, send them to us via DM or
tag #KIDS4TRUMP and we'll make a patriotic team of young Trump
supporters here! I'm sure it'll be great!

Do you support Trump? Wanna #MakeAmericaGreatAgain? Wanna see your
kid on our account? Take pictures, make videos, send them to us via DM or
tag #KIDS4TRUMP and we'll make a patriotic team of young Trump
supporters here! I'm sure it'll be great!

Do you support Trump? Wanna #MakeAmericaGreatAgain? Wanna see your
kid on our account? Take pictures, make videos, send them to us via DM or
tag #KIDS4TRUMP and we'll make a patriotic team of young Trump
supporters here! I'm sure it'll be great!
