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The last time Hillary Clinton had a press conference on veterans’ issues was
in 2015 and since then all her plans and offers concerning veterans’ life
improvement were stated only in emails made by her staff.…
Wall street, Sissies, cowards, and liars stand for and behind Hillary. Trump's
background is way more imposing!
Danney Williams, 30, has been trying since at least 1999 to be acknowledged

as the out-of-wedlock son of former President Bill Clinton and a black
prostitute in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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Today Americans are able to elect a president with godly moral principles.
Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.
And even though Donald Trump isn’t a saint by any means, he’s at least an
honest man and he cares…
Fellow Texans! It's time to say a strong NO to the establishment robbers. It is
unacceptable for us to see them ruin all we've been building for decades. For
centuries. The establishment thinks they can treat us like stupid sheep but
they are wrong.…
Danney Williams, 30, has been trying since at least 1999 to be acknowledged
as the out-of-wedlock son of former President Bill Clinton and a black
prostitute in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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Kaepernick declared that both of the major presidential candidates, Donald
Trump and Hillary Clinton, were racist and thus not worthy of his support!
#woke #king #vote #election #black #power #resistance
A free-spirited mind thinks deeply. Thins mind thinks about being detached
from the system since Childbirth, thinks about the liberation of his people,
thinks about survival in all possible cases.

Most importantly, a free-spirited mind always…
Fellow Texans! It's time to say a strong NO to the establishment robbers. It is
unacceptable for us to see them ruin all we've been building for decades. For
centuries. The establishment thinks they can treat us like stupid sheep but
they are wrong.…