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  • Tags: Anger
Breaking news, latest news and current news from US Daily in the United
States! Join us! US Daily ( @us Daily) - Ohmurica
A Black handicapped worker was enslaved and abused for years. Hard to
believe? Click here to Learn more! Black Pride ( @black Yoyoyoyoyoy
Videoblog about social issues of Black America The Reality is 7 black
Churches attacked by white people in the last week! But The Media Is Dead
Silent About It. What is going on in America? Williams&Kalvin
And what would you Choose if u were a president: to create 11200 military-
related jobs or to create 26700 jobs in education? Join us! Learn more! The
US Gov Spending Stats Instalol
Cop Block is committed to highlighting the double standard often granted to
those in uniforms and with badges. We do this by raising awareness and
providing support to victims of police abuse and other related institutional
injustice. Follow us! Cop…
Stop liberal ignorance! Don't tolerate them destroying our monuments and
renaming our streets! Defend our confederate heritage! Join South United!
South United Yoyoyoyoyo