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  • Tags: Anger
Shocking video was captured by the police officer body cam.
On September 4, 2013, a student from the University of Central Florida
Victoria King was pulled over by officer Timothy Isaacs for a bad tail light.
The situation escalated quickly when the…
Not all Mexicans are lazy and not all Americans are hard-working.
It's been two years since Freddie Gray died in custody and nothing is
Changed since then. It's been two years since Freddie Gray died in custody
and nothing is Changed since then. Two Years Since Freddie Gray's Death
There is no such thing as justice for a Black man in this country. Even when 3
WHITE woman tries to protect her Client, she is arrested. This is a Clear
When someone starts to fight against racism you can be sure people will
follow you in this Seven Black employees plan to sue Fox News for racial
discrimination 7 More Black Employees Plan To Sue Fox News
Don‘t believe stereotypes. Don‘t believe the media.
On the 49th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King

Jr., the FBI took to Twitter Tuesday to honor his life, work and commitment to

Along with a photo of King from the Library of Congress, the FBI included…
Kheris Rodgers is so gorgeous! People need to understand beauty has
nothing to do with complexion.