Shocking video was captured by the polic…

Dublin Core


Shocking video was captured by the polic…


Shocking video was captured by the police officer body cam.
On September 4, 2013, a student from the University of Central Florida
Victoria King was pulled over by officer Timothy Isaacs for a bad tail light.
The situation escalated quickly when the police officer demanded King to roll
down her window "all the way” to receive her ticket. When King refused,
which by the way was a perfectly legal thing to do, the police officer broke out
the car window and arrested her in a brutal way. Instead of simply Citing her,
the police officer demanded the woman to obey and threw her to the ground.
When you're Black no violation is small enough. Every contact with the police
ends brutally for Black people and nothing seems to Change.

Video source @[540176322666035z274zPolice The Police]



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