Bentham on Endian-ness

So, I had a devil of a time finding a page that looked remotely legible that hadn’t already been done by someone else. At first, I looked for something on the topic of “popery” which seemed quite timely, but I failed to locate any pages that looked manageable.  So in the end, I resorted to choosing JB/072/185/001, which looked to be a very nice and legible (and short) page, which I thought would be a good way to get started.  The one tricky bit — and I suspect the reason someone else hadn’t yet tackled it — is that it is written mostly in Latin.  Unfortunately, the page hasn’t proved to be as uniformly legible as I first thought, so I haven’t managed to decipher it all.  For now, I can report that it makes reference to Swift’s story of the battle between the Little-endians and the Big-endians (those who crack their eggs on the little or big ends, respectively).  Beyond that, there remain too many illegible words for me to put it all together just yet.  Stay tuned, and I will update this post when I have finished it!

One thought on “Bentham on Endian-ness

  1. Masaż daje efekt niesamowitego odprężenia, relaksu, wewnętrznej równowagi, rozluźnienia mięśni i pobudzenia krążenia. Redukuje stres, zmęczenie, zmniejsza napięcia mięśniowe, korzystnie wpływa na układ krwionośny, przyspiesza metabolizm, przyczynia się do poprawy psychofizycznej sprawności organizmu. Działa bardzo kojąco na zmysły, reguluje strefę emocjonalną,poprawia pracę narządów wewnętrznych, pobudza mikrokrążenie krwi, likwiduje stres i niepokój, dostarcza siły i odporności.

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