Jindal on Immigration: 'We Got to Stop t…


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Jindal on Immigration: 'We Got to Stop t…


Jindal on Immigration: 'We Got to Stop the Hyphenated Americans'

"America's immigration problem will only be solved with a secure border,"
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tells Newsmax TV.

In an exclusive interview with "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth, the GOP
presidential hopeful said part of the problem also lies with President Barack
Obama "out there saying 'don't worry we're not going to enforce'"

Good words Mr. Jindal, too bad democrats don't understand such an obvious
things and continue to let illegals into the US. They want to keep the border
open so violent illegal aliens can victimize our Citizens

Jindal said that in a trip to the border, he witnessed illegal aliens easily
gaining entry.

"I saw three groups come right across in broad daylight," he said. "One group
walked across a man-made dam, got to a fence... they swing the gate wide
open. It's not even looked."

America floods the country with people who have no job skills and offer them
a living on welfare. Voila, we have a work ethic breakdown. I think, it's time for
government to do theirjob and protect our country. America for Americans!



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