UFC Champion Ronda Rousey Calls 9/11 Ah …


Dublin Core


UFC Champion Ronda Rousey Calls 9/11 Ah …


UFC Champion Ronda Rousey Calls 9/11 Ah ‘lnside Job’

"It’s an inside job," said Rousey, who knocked out Bethe Correia in the first
34 seconds of the first round, is joined the Club who questions September 11.

Rousey’s belief is also held by 9/11 victims’ family members and countless
first responders who witnessed the attacks that fateful morning.

While the government continues to denial implication to the 9/11 we still how
politicians "care" about our lives. What did they do with ISIS, who beheaded
American journalist? What did they do after murder of US Citizens in Libya?

Such ignorance from the government side make us feel not safe in our own
country. Moreover, it looks like the government doesn't really care about lives
of Americans. For the last decades America's "leadership" seem to be lackeys
of corporations' interests.

We should provide a glimpse of reality to prevent such things in the future.
So, if we let it go today, they'll do it again and again...



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