After what happened in Dallas ordinary Texans did not remain indifferent.
Several men armed with AR-15 went to the Splendora Police Department and
stood guarding the building. Y’all should do the same thing — we must protect
our cops! We won’t let…
Throughout the history of our nation, there have been many wars. The
soldiers have always carried the burden of death or injury while in battles.
Politicians continually act as if the soldiers are their pawns, and their soldier
pawns are expendable…
Your help is needed. This case is a classic example of racial profiling in the
system which has cost innocent Jerome Smith 31 years of his life already and
can cost even more. Jerome must be brought home. No one pays attention to
Your help is needed. This case is a classic example of racial profiling in the
system which has cost innocent Jerome Smith 31 years of his life already and
can cost even more. Jerome must be brought home. No one pays attention to