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  • Tags: meme
Couldn't go past this one, Blessed earth strong @kaepernick7 may you
continue your works and work in the power of our ancestors :) ??? ?
Be eager and glad to find out about your roots. The more you find out about
your ancestry, the more you find…
Institutional racism takes a hold of our schools as white students of the
University of North Dakota make a mockery of Black people. Institutional
Racism: White Students Slam BLM
Join us in the streets! Stop Trump and his bigoted agenda!

Meet you at Union Sq. at 12pm and march to Trump Tower (725 5th Ave) at

Divided is the reason we just fell. We must unite despite our differences to
stop HATE from ruling the…
There is a disgusting video Circulating on the internet which shows an
unidentified white cop rape a helpless Black teen. Shameless White Cop
Rapes Black Teen
Montgomery County middle school kids have tasted the outrage of the public
after a video of them Chanting racist words went viral on Facebook; further
deepening the agony of racism in schools today. Montgomery County middle
school kids have tasted…
America is far from stamping on racism problem. Unfortunately, the skin color
can determine a whole range of variables in life.
The lawyer for Jay Anderson’s family has disclosed that the deceased never
pointed a gun at the officer prior to the police shooting which caused his
death. The lawyer for Jay Anderson’s family has disclosed that the deceased

never pointed a gun at…
Montgomery County middle school kids have tasted the outrage of the public
after a video of them Chanting racist words went viral on Facebook; further
deepening the agony of racism in schools today. Montgomery County middle
school kids have tasted…
End the whining and crying, end the riots with these same white
people(democrats), who will not march with you when your son, daughter or
loved one gets shot for being Black.

I opted out of the elections and i had many Black people all up in my…