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  • Tags: gender
Due to the town of Twin falls, Idaho, becoming a center of refugee
resettlement, which led Citizens before refugees
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
Thank you Sister Chittister. Pro-Iifers are NOT pro-Iife, they are bombastic
religionists who are more than prepared to watch Children starve. They ARE
prepared to murder the doctors that perform abortions - do these doctors not
have LIFE? If they…
Hate does seem to be a Christian ideal....

3rd federal court case seeks to block Mississippi LGBT law

A diverse group of gay, straight and transgender people have filed the third
federal court Challenge seeking to block a Mississippi law that lets…
Did you look down
It's ok they're women so they'll only find the kitchen
Who else liked it just because the girl was fine as hell
Grooms don't throw a bouquet they throw the garter