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- Tags: crime
After a Cleveland officer killed 12-year…
December and his family is still in mourning, the City has filed a creditor’s
Claim against the “estate” of the little boy. This is heartlessness in the highest
We run this community because we care...
Tags: Anger, badge, black, blue, crime, Don't Shoot, Fear, guns, non-partisan, police brutality, text, U.S. Flag, world of possibilities, yellow
10 years later. No Changes! Hundreds of …
demonstrations in San Francisco to protest police fatal shooting of
#MarioWoods last month. Click to Learn More Cop Block Us AmericanCops
Tags: Anger, badge, black, blue, cop_block_us, crime, guns, non-partisan, orange, photograph, police brutality
The KKK had used fear, intimidation and …
African-Americans not less than what ISIS did to the Syrians
A 21-year-old Oklahoma man was sentenced…
for sexually assaulting orphaned Children while on a missionary trip in Kenya
in 2014. Matthew works at an orphanage built and run by an American Citizen
named Upendo Children…
Tags: Anger, common folks, crime, darkness and light, Fear, nation, non-partisan, photograph, prison, white, Williams&Kalvin
An amount of $840K was donated to the fa…
Anderson. Are they fucking kidding us? For them it’s enough and wealth it,
but to the family of Anderson it’s not better than the life taken. These guys
should pay a death penalty for…
Tags: Anger, badge, blue, brown, civil rights, common folks, crime, non-partisan, photograph, prison, race, racial tensions, Sadness, Williams&Kalvin
It happens throughout the centuries. Bla…
seems that Govt simply treats us as their slaves. Get breaking news and
analysis on the life of African American community in the US. Black Matters
Tags: _born__black_, Anger, black, common folks, crime, Fear, guns, illustration, non-partisan, police brutality, race, racial tensions, red, Sadness, U.S. Flag, yellow
Join us at Erie Center! We need your sup…
India Cummings. SayHerName
Tags: Anger, black, Blacktivist, crime, justice, photograph, race, racial identities, white
Religious leaders joined local organizat…
who said they were attacked outside a convenience store this weekend in
what police are investigating as a possible hate crime.
Authorities are reviewing surveillance video…
Tags: Anger, badge, black, crime, Islamophobia, non-partisan, photograph, police brutality, race, Sadness, United Muslims of America, white
Patricia Smith, a mother of Benghazi arr…
this Thursday broadcast on Fox Business Network. She said there is “a
special place in hell” for people like Hillary “and I hope she enjoys it there”.
Smith added in her…
Tags: Anger, Being Patriotic, black, can't trust the Clintons, Clinton, crime, famous person, green, invader, nation, photograph, race, security, yellow